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06/02/2023 Prodotti DOP The Veneto Region recognizes and promotes "The Wine and Food Association" as an instrument for the protection and enhancement of food, wine and food products and dishes, typical of the regional territory. For the PDO mark, Veneto has more than 17 agri-food products (Protected Designation of Origin).
06/02/2023 Prodotti IGP The PGI emphasizes the relationship between the specific geographical region and the name of the product, when a specific quality, reputation or other special characteristic is essentially attributable to the geographical origin. In addition, the GI protects the name of a spirit drink or flavored wine originating in a country, region or locality, of which they are typical.
06/02/2023 Prodotti STG Traditional specialty guaranteed (TSG) highlights traditional aspects such as the way the product is made or its composition, without being linked to a specific geographical area. A product registered as a TSG protects its name from falsification.
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