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Strawberry cream liqueur


  • Strawberries 400 g
  • Pure alcohol at 95° 350 g
  • Whole milk 250 ml
  • Liquid cream 250 ml
  • Sugar 300 g
  • 3 teaspoons vanilla extract
First wash and chop the strawberries inside a container, add the alcohol and stir. Close the container and store it in the larder for about 5-7 days, shaking it every day. 
The strawberries should take on a faded colour and the alcohol should turn red to move on to the next step. 
Now strain the alcohol and separate it from the strawberries.
In a separate saucepan, add the milk and the liquid cream, also add the sugar. Heat over a medium flame and stir. Also add the vanilla extract and continue stirring. Finally let the mixture cool down and add the filtered alcohol. Stir and pour the mixture into bottles. Let it rest for a week before serving (this way all the flavours will blend perfectly).